Chuck Kafta Meatballs

Packing super punch of flavors to rock either an appetizer or main course. It’s a meal everyone will have no choice but toot your horn!

All of my meals starts with inspiration, this one came from a trip to a small town Nebraska winery in Ashland, NE. They had some spicy meatballs on the menu that were just fantastic (the cider and wine also revved my engine), and I knew after the first bite, I was going to try my hand at my own spiced meatballs with my own spin.

With my passion of Certified Piedmontese beef and fresh herbs, this was surprisingly easy to put together- and was the perfect appetizer to please my family’s pallet during a nice afternoon family get together.


I always free hand my recipes, so never use an exact recipe and encourage you to do the same. Be free, be inspired to use flavors you think will be great for your meal. I had used IG to find a photo of some Indian and Mediterranean meatballs, and once I found a photo I liked, I went to work.
Meatball Seasoning:
-tablespoon of both ground coriander and cumin
-tsp of ginger, cinnamon, and allspice, S&P.
-Fresh parsley and mint, probably tablespoon of each.
-Then squeeze of harissa paste.
-1.5lb of chuck. (you do want a ground beef in the lower to mid 80’s for fat content)
—half a grated onion (this helps keep moisture in the meatballs).

Mixed and rolled into small balls. Roasted for 20 mins in a cast iron pan at 425.

The sauce was just a cup Greek yogurt with S&P, mint, dill, parsley (about 1/4c of each), squeeze of lemon and zest, and harissa.

The mint and pickled radish was a nice garnish.
Holler at me if you want me recipe for the radishes.

I served these family style and let my family go after them like vultures.


Chuck Roast Chuck Burger